Q & A 

Q: What happens if I get a sms stating there is no record and I need to visit my nearest HA Branch to complete DHA24 and DHA288?

The Bi24 is the birth registration document, also known as the Vault certificate, Home Affairs will not issue an unabridged birth certificate unless this document is on file in Archives.  The fact that it is not there does not mean that you were not registered, it means that your documents are not in order at the Department.  When your birth was registered it was supposed to be sent to the Regional Office who sends it on to Head Office who then uploads it and sends it on to Archives.  Can you see how many places this could go wrong?

The original forms need to be completed and submitted to any regional office, unfortunately we have NO control of how long it will take to have these documents captured in Archives – call Elle for more information.

Q: What happens if I am requested to provide a DHA30/Marriage register?

If the Marriage register (vault) is not on file in Archives, they are not permitted to print the Marriage Certificate until this document is replaced.  This register was supposed to have been sent to Head Office by the Regional Office where the Pastor handed it in.  If you do have it, please send us a legible scanned copy.  If you were married before 2000 there should not be any issues, however if this is required and you can’t provide it then you will most probably not be issued with an unabridged version.  You can apply for the abridged version which will not have your status i.e. Bachelor/Spinster/Divorced/Widowed.  Some Countries accepts alternative documents in lieu of the unabridged Marriage i.e. Letter of no Impediment/Abridged plus Affidavit – Ask Elle for more information

The original forms need to be completed and submitted to any regional office, unfortunately we have NO control of how long it will take to have these documents captured in Archives – call Ellé for more information.

Q: What is an Unabridged birth / marriage certificate and a Vault certificate?

Abridged birth certificate: is a printed birth certificate with only the applicant/childs details and is not acceptable for immigration purpose.

Unabridged birth certificate: is a printe8d birth certificate with the applicant/child as well as both parent’s details. (Please bear in mind that the word “unabridged” is no longer in use – example below:

Vault Birth certificate is a true copy of the actual registration document completed by both parents the day the child was born.  The details on the Unabridged is taken off the Vault certificate – if there is no ID number on the Vault it will not reflect on the Unabridged either.  The latest Vault certificates do have more information – if this is not on file then we can apply for a Late Registration or Notice of Birth which will become your replacement vault. They will give you a letter – see example below:

Vault marriage is a copy of the actual register which was signed by the Official and your witnesses on the day you were married – the original is sent to HO and then kept in Archives.